Colorado Ranchers Club Scenery MEGA PACK
- Mod release date : 2020-09-29
- Mod last update : 2023-10-09
- Mod current version : v1.12.4
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Colorado Ranchers Club Scenery MEGA PACK mod page
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Current file : ColoradoRanchersClubScenery.zip
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See more information and installation notes on Colorado Ranchers Club Scenery MEGA PACK mod pageChangelog
🚧 New release : v1.12.4
- 22COF : trees removed at 27 runway approach
Thanks to Walterbeech for the report.
🚧 New release : v1.12.3
Small fixes for this update : 5CO6: conflict : I’ve renamed it to 5CO6b 92CO: removed a house on the tarmac CO22F: floating panel removed
Thanks to SkittishOwl for the report.
🚧 New release : v1.12.2
SU5 came over and…
- 5CO6 : reterraforming required
- CO22F : a building rotated… Oo
🚧 New release : v1.12.1
44CO removed runway bump 5CO5 trees cutting 5CO6 building floor corrections 9CO3 building floor corrections CD10 runway pattern fix CO47 tents floor corrections CO61 building floor corrections
🚧 New release : v1.12.0
- 33CO initial scenery
- CO61 initial scenery
🚧 New release : v1.11.0
- 0CO2 scenery update : building cranes are gone. New houses are available
- CO95 cleanup
🚧 New release : v1.10.0
- 5CO5 initial scenery : Courtesy to Chris (okgood) for this scenery
🚧 New release : v1.5.2
Minor update
- Christmas edition
🚧 New release : v1.9.0
- CO22F initial scenery : Courtesy to Chris (okgood) for this scenery
🚧 New release : v1.8.0
- 92CO complete rework by Chris (okgood) including custom objects. the airport features an historic grass runway and a newer one in asphalt with a modern airport. Of course the seaport is still present, and you can board your seaplane there !
🚧 New release : v1.7.0
- 9CO9 initial scenery : Courtesy to Chris (okgood) for this scenery
It is higly recommand to use Dave’s Crooked Libraray with this package : https://flightsim.to/file/4696/dave-s-crooked-library in order to have all the objects of the sceneries
🚧 New release : v1.6.0
- 17CO initial scenery : Courtesy to Chris (okgood) for this scenery
- CO95 cones & runway markers for low visibility operations
- a few ranches received people : new 3D model imported
🚧 New release : v1.5.1
Minor update
- 92CO scenery update (construction site, work in progress)
- 0CO2 scenery update (construction site, work in progress)
🚧 New release : v1.5.0
- CO95 initial scenery : Courtesy to Chris (okgood) for this scenery
- 1CO7, 81CO, CO03 : fixes after MSFS USA update
- 1CO7 : rework of the runway slope
We hope to see you flying in the Colorado skies especialy if you fly in FSEconomy.
🚧 New release : v1.4.0
- 1CO7 : initial scenery - 1CO7 : initial scenery
🚧 New release : v1.3.0
- 92CO : initial scenery
- 0CO2 is coming
🚧 New release : v1.2.0
CD10 : Initial scenery
🚧 New release : v1.1.0
- New objects in sceneries : trucks, tractors, forklifts, bbq…
- New maintenance trucks in 44CO and 25CO : this is were the club has its facilities (in FSEconomy)
- Parkings have been corrected in a few places
- 12CO has been closed : This airport has been added in a recent update of FS2020 at the wrong positions (overlap with 44CO). This will be disabled in the future when Asobo corrects the airport.
🚧 New release : v1.0.4
- Windsock heading fixed in all the airports
🚧 New release : v1.0.3
- modellib.bgl path change in order to avoid conflicts with other mods
- KGWS : Initial scenery
🚧 New release : v1.0.2
- Fixed road panels panels typo
- Fixed overwritten taxinames
- New 3D custom 3D objects
- Complete lighting rework on every location
- 25CO Fixed sinking building
- CO47 Fixed lake texture
🚧 New release : v1.0.1
- 25CO fix : bad terraforming near the runway : huge gap removed
🚧 New release : v1.0.0
- First release with all the current ranches from the club.
- 5co6 Initial scenery : the proximity of Denver City makes this ranch our sales & marketing center
- parking slots (small & medium) on every airport
- many fixes because of changes in MSFS
🚧 New release : v0.0.11
- Fix for massive hill in CO47
🚧 New release : v0.0.10
- CO47 Initial scenery : ranch & camping site
- Roadsigns for around some of our airstrips : we want our friends in cars not to be scared by planes !
- Cows in multiple ranches
- small fixes here and there
🚧 New release : v0.0.9
- 25CO fix: it was impossible to start a fly there
- 1CO2 fix : panel glitch
🚧 New release : v0.0.8
- 25CO rework (simpler scenery)
- 1CO2 Initial scenery
🚧 New release : v0.0.6
- Initial scenery for 25CO
- refactoring of 81CO (more ranch style)
- replacement of windsocks with simulated models
🚧 New release : v0.0.4
- addition of 81CO airport which is part of the Colorado Ranchers Club