Bagolu's face

FR172 Reims Rocket / Cessna R172 Hawk XP II

  • Mod release date : 2022-09-10
  • Mod last update : 2024-06-03
  • Mod current version : v4.2.1

Download links

Current version : v4.2.1 (2024-06-03)
Current file :
If you like my work and want to support me : Paypal donation


A thread is available on the MSFS forums

Contact me if you need help : Contact information

Mod information, how to install...

See more information and installation notes on FR172 Reims Rocket / Cessna R172 Hawk XP II mod page


🚧 New release : v4.2.1 (2024-06-03)


🚧 New release : v4.2.0 (2024-05-28)

New features:


🚧 New release : v4.1.0 (2024-05-02)

New features:

They are currently not compatible with the panel cover (square shape, round hole…)

Fly safe !

🚧 New release : v4.0.0 (2024-04-26)

New features:


The new interior are liveries, so you can contribute to get the exact style you want in your plane. Feel free to share your favorite ones in the forums

I hope you’ll like the new cosy mood of the cockpits Enjoy your flights !

🚧 New release : v3.6.0 (2024-04-06)

New features:

Have nice flights !

🚧 New release : v3.5.2 (2024-02-25)

New features:

Happy flying !

🚧 New release : v3.5.1 (2024-02-18)


🚧 New release : v3.5.0 (2024-02-17)

New features:


Thanks a lot for all your reports

🚧 New release : v3.4.0 (2024-01-13)

You won’t get lost anymore with this update !

New features:


Thanks a lot to TDSSim for the support to include the NXI !

🚧 New release : v3.3.0 (2024-01-05)

New features:


In progress, maybe in next release:

I hope you’ll like it !

🚧 New release : v3.2.0 (2023-12-21)

New features:


🚧 New release : v3.1.0 (2023-12-03)

Anniversary update : this plane mod is one year old !


New features:

🚧 New release : v3.0.0

When we started this mod, I only had a C172 G1000 interior 3D model from my other mods. We knew it wasn’t realistic, but we decided to start the Reims Rocket / Hawk XPII mod this way anyway.

After a few versions finalizing the two variants we wanted, I finally settled on the cockpit design as it may have existed on early versions of the Reims Rocket. This new release replaces the G1000 cockpit with an all-gauge cockpit.

We hope you’ll enjoy flying it!

Stay tuned as we still have a modifications to make to this mod !

🚧 New release : v2.1.0

Fix :

New features backported from C172 enhancement project :

Happy flying !

🚧 New release : v2.0.2

Fix :

Happy flying !

🚧 New release : v2.0.0

We’re happy to introduce a new Reims Rocket / Hawk XP II variant : the 195HP, 2 blade prop.

New features :

New features backported from C172 enhancement project :

Fixes :

Many thanks to Ann0v & whiskytango208 for the liveries they gave to us : HB-COV, N1951S

We are working on a simple gauges version. It will take time to be ready, but work has begun !

Happy flying !

🚧 New release : v1.2.0

New features :

New features backported from C172 enhancement project :

We are still working on the 2 blade prop variant. Sounds improvement have also progressed a lot !

Happy flying !

🚧 New release : v1.1.2

Christmas update !

Fixes :

New features backported from C172 enhancement project :

Currently, we have maps for CH, FR, UK, US and a simple worldwide OSM. I haven’t found a lot of ready to use websites. Skyvector would have been cool, but they forbid iframes and openflightmap only provides raw data.

If you have website suggestions to add to the list, I’m all ears !

🚧 New release : v1.1.1

Previous version 1.1.0 had missing texture files causing problems with some liveries. This is a quick fix to that problem.

Fixes :

Happy flying !

🚧 New release : v1.1.0

New features :

Fixes :

No break modification : it is still on the default value from 172SP. With the engine modification I don’t find it under powered. Tell me what you think about it

In incoming updates :

We hope you’ll like this one

Happy flying